Monday, June 30, 2014

Breckenridge Getaway

Our friend, Jamie, Elizabeth and I got out of town this weekend for a little girls getaway!

There was shopping/Lego playing...

And hotel pool swimming...

And, of course, movie watching!

This girl would NOT fall asleep! I guess she was too excited so she slept in the bed with me for the first time ever! She slept sideways across the bed and kicked me in the ribs all night! But she slept until 10 am! Ha!

When she woke up she was looking around confused about where she was and I told her she slept in the bed with mommy last night...she just started laughing! I think she was kicking me on purpose! Silly girl!

Toy store!


This girl couldn't hang! She slept in the car for two hours while Jamie and I shopped in shifts. Ha! So fun!!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Happy Day Daddy!

We had a great Fathers Day! We walked to the mountain to have breakfast with friends and E got to play at the "beach" at the base of the mountain.

And a ride on Daddy's shoulders is always fun!

There were presents...

And ice cream!

And a walk downtown...which led to this the daddy who keeps us laughing (or eye rolling!). Ha!

Fake horsies...

And real horsies!  The rodeo is in town for the summer (we are going this weekend, expect pictures!) and we went to check out the animals at the rodeo grounds.

She kept calling this horse the "old grey mare" like from the song. So cute!

And HUGE bulls. We didn't pet those! And not so cute...

What a fun and special day!  Happy Fathers Day to all the special dads in our lives! We are so lucky!!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Flaming Gorge, UT

We headed out of town this weekend...west, to Flaming Gorge, UT.

A large portion of the trip was on unpaved roads. I am serious!

But, we finally made it and E was so excited!

New camping chair was a hit!

She helped put up the tent :)

And played in the tent...

We walked down to the water from our campsite. It was COLD!

Waiting on dinner!

Roughing it!

The night was looooong with little sleep. We are going to have to reevaluate our camping set up for next time. This mama cannot spend another night on the cold ground with a restless 2 yr old on top of her! 

We were up, packed and out of our campsite by 7:30 am!  Moving on...

This is the dam that controls the water...Will will have to tell you more about that. All I know is it was really impressive!

Red Canyon looking down on Flaming Gorge.  We were about 1500 ft above the water!  

And of course we had to stop to see the horsies...

This nice guy gave E some treats and let her feed them to the horse, Gus.  She did it fearlessly.  He ate them right out of her hand!

The beautiful Green River in WY on our way home.

This girl was dirty and sleep deprived and trapped in the car for a looong time but she did so great!  She talked constantly in excitement at her new surroundings but rode great!  I see more road trips in our future...maybe in a hotel :)

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Daddy at Gymnastics

Will was working night shift all last week and the ONLY good part was that he was around to play with us in the mornings!

He had never been able to go to gymnastics with us before but last week he did!  We went twice :)

I'm not sure who had the most fun!!

Friday, June 6, 2014


We went to visit our good friends today and hang out with their horses.  Elizabeth was in "horsie" heaven! :)

Oh. And if anyone is still keeping track...E is 2 years and 3 months today :)