Wednesday, December 3, 2014

End of November

We went to Mom and Dad's house the week before Thanksgiving to spend some quality time before the holiday. 

Dad and E carved ANOTHER pumpkin because...why not?!  If you've got'em, carve'em :)

There were also some Tom and Jerry marathons experience right here!

We went to the Speedway in Lights. I didn't get many good pictures but the decorate the entire speedway with all sorts of Christmas lights and characters, etc. We had never been but it was actually lots of fun and E is still talking about it!

We also continued to celebrate my birthday. I mean a girl can never have too much cake!

Then we packed up and drove to Will's mom and dads to be with everyone for Thanksgiving.

We drove through 100 miles of this! Ugh!

E was pooped!  I thought it was so funny she fell asleep like this. Backwards, while watching a movie in her bed with the make shift kitchen chair bed rail. You do what you gotta do!

Paw took everyone on a tractor ride!

And we played outside as much as we could!

 And there was some playing going on inside, too. Who was supposed to be supervising all these children jumping on the couch?? Surely not their Aunt Em!

Sweet Sarah Kate

Just missing Baby Benjamin...

Pile up!

And how Uncle Will babysits :)

We had a wonderful time with everyone (I didn't get pictures of all the grown ups but they were there too :)) Elizabeth slept almost the entire day Monday after we got back so I think it's safe to say she had a good time with all of her cousins!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

29 Again...

Well I turned 29 for the second year in a row ;-) and it wasn't so bad!  To celebrate I went to visit one of my favorite friends, Beth. 

We did some chocolate tasting, cupcake eating and LOTS of lounging. It was PERFECT!

Then when I got home my two lovies surprised me with a pink party! Complete with Minnie Mouse plates, princess cupcakes, party hats and presents!

My haul :)

A princess cupcake for the princess!

Then I even got treated to a yummy birthday lunch!

You guys are the best!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Halloween Festivities

We took Elizabeth to downtown Bristol for some early trick or treating.

Loving all the candy!

She did some pumpkin carving with Papaw! 


Sweet girls!

Fairy Princess

We decided to skip cold trick or treating for dinner with our princess.  Nothing says Happy Halloween like chips and queso!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

VA Visit

I've gotten REALLY far behind, we have been insanely busy (coming soon!) but I'm trying my best to get caught up!  

E and I made the trek to Virginia in September to spend some quality time with some of our favorite people!