Length: 29 inches (39th percentile)
Weight: 18 lbs 10 oz (11th percentile)
Head Circumference: 18 inches (60th percentile)
This little girl LOVES other kids! She is shy and timid around other adults but not other kids. She practically leaps out of my arms to get to them and play. She unfortunately has no concept of personal space yet but at least we know she is going to be friendly!
She also loves dogs. Especially her dog. She is so curious about him and follows him, copies him, and is frequently into something with him.
This winter seems to just keep going on and on and on so we are just trying to survive it.
One of my favorite things she has been doing recently is laughing. She has been laughing when you tickle her for a long time now but she has just started laughing at things when she thinks they are funny. It's fun to watch her sense of humor develop.
She is fast! Like the fastest crawler I have ever seen! And she will get away from you in a heartbeat! Luckily, I caught her while she was still at the bottom of the stairs!
We have been so lucky to celebrate the last 12 months with this sweet little girl! It has been a scary, fun, sleep deprived, exciting and exhausting year. Will and I gave ourselves a big pat on the back for surviving our first year of parenting. And gave our girl a big birthday squeeze!