Thursday, September 30, 2010

A little bit of VA in CO

Mom and Dad came to visit us for 9 wonderful days in September. We had a great time together with lots of fishing, eating, relaxing, shopping, and bonding. We loved having them here and they spoiled us BIG TIME.

We loved their company and appreciate everything they did while they were here. Dad fished almost every day in a sweet spot really close to our house. He caught 19 Colorado sized fish, some were even picture worthy.
They helped us with lots of little jobs around the house. Mom always had dinner ready for us and they even conqored the job we had been dreading and putting off for months, painting our bedroom!

We were so glad to have them here with us and can't wait for their next visit. We love you Mom and Dad!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Growing Like a Weed

Boone is growing more and more every day. He is very active and playful and he unfortunately loves to eat my shoes. Bonus for me...NEW SHOES :) He is getting taller and taller so he has the longest little legs. He loves to play with the other dogs in the neighborhood and go for long clumsy runs on the trail behind our house. He has definitely gotten faster but he isn't quite graceful yet.

He also still LOVES to sleep. He sleeps quite a bit still and in the funniest places and positions. He is really snugly and likes to curl up right next to you or in your lap. We love it now and think that it is cute but I'm sure we will regret it when he weighs 50 pounds!

Saturday, September 11, 2010


We have been incredibly busy since the arrival of Boone and the start of my new job so I am running a little behind in posting Montana pictures. We drove for 2 straight days to get to Montana to pick up Boone but it was really beautiful and worth the trip. On the way back we drove through Yellowstone National Park and camped with Boone in the Tetons! We had such a great time and Boone was a great traveler.

On our way out of the Tetons we were lucky enough to witness an entire pack of elk crossing the road right in front of us. We saw them coming up the side of the road and decided to stop and see what happened. A "leader" elk ran up to the edge of the road and back to his pack 2 different times like he knew to watch for cars. Then finally on a 3rd attempt he led them across the road. It was so amazing to watch! We caught the end of it on video.