Thursday, June 27, 2013

Adios, Stagecoach

Will and I have worked and worked and worked some more but we FINALLY did it!  Our house is officially on the market! Check it out! Click here

Thursday, June 20, 2013

15 Months!

Length: 29 3/4 inches (30th percentile)
Weight: 19lbs 5oz (5th percentile)
Head Circumference: 18 3/4 inches (85 percentile)

This girl loves to be
She gives the sweetest hugs and kisses, climbs up and down the stairs, points to her nose and sticks out her tongue when asked, blows kisses and laughs hysterically when you chase her.  She loves to crawl under and over things, loves music and "dancing" and going down slides. 

And, little girl, we love you!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day

To Elizabeth's favorite Daddy, Grand-Daddies and Great Grand Daddies!  We love you and are so lucky to have you!  Happy Day!

Kiawah Island 2013

Elizabeth and I crashed Kiawah for 17 days.  It was AMAZING!  And might I say, much deserved after a long, long winter.

The cousins had so much fun together!

Elizabeth LOVED everything about the beach.  The water. The sand. The waves. Everything.

She was totally fearless.  She crawled as fast as she could straight into the waves.  I don't know how I feel about that...I mean really, I think a little bit of fear would have been okay. Sigh.

The boys had a fishing day...

the girls, shopping!

Grammy and Grampa came!

My mom swears this reminds her of me...I can't imagine why??

Showing off her baby muscles.

Brittany came to play with us!

Uncle Drew and Aunt Katie came too!

Elizabeth learned to climb while we were there

even how to climb into her water bucket...pants, shoes, and all.

We found the toy store...where are the grandmas when you need them? :)

Beach toes.

Until next time, Kiawah!

I had trouble getting all of my pictures to upload but you can check out more at Laura and Jessica's blogs.