Sunday, September 11, 2011

Bird Dog Boone

Yep, those are feathers stuck to his nose.

Don't worry...the bird was already dead when he found it.

Monday, September 5, 2011


I'm starting to get the impression that people might be sick of looking at Will's car (I can't imagine why??). Well...this is truly a random assortment of pictures we have taken over the last couple of weeks.

We have been having quite a bit of rain but the bonus is that we also frequently get these beautiful rainbows.

Of course, we have quite a few pictures of our crazy dog. Boone sometimes forgets that he is a bird dog and thinks that he is a herding dog. The cows sometimes get loose in our backyard and Boone likes to torture them.

Also, being the brilliant little being that he is...he somehow managed to get himself into the back of our neighbors truck (that's right, not even Will's truck, our neighbors!). He cried loudly until I found him and went and let the tailgate down for him. I guess it wasn't too high to jump up but it was too high to jump down. Silly dog.

Will has been working really really hard on trying to get everything ready for starting the construction of our stairs. Here is the aerial view of the progress so far... my car is in the shop (that is a whole 'nother sorry!) and I am having to drive Will's truck this week (I never thought I would say this but thank goodness for Will's new car). Will apparently made a bet with some of our neighbors about how long it would take this to happen...I'm blaming it on the truck. Poor driveway light.

I tried to warn you that this post was random...I wasn't kidding.

Will provided me with some pampering recently :) Polish off...

Polish on...Pretty good for his first time. Just think how good he is going to get with lots of practice! Right, Will??

My two best boys.